This function module is very useful, when you want to check current (or historical) ballance of costs and revenues of any cost object, not settled based on the settlement rule.
You need just determine OBJNR from tables AUFK (co orders), VBAP (SD orders) and PROJ(projects) for particular co object.
I have used that in zreport which shows those ballances for SD orders or production orders after the closing operation are done on the end of the month. It should be in fact zero ballance, when overhead calculation, result analyse and the settlement is done.
'K_BALANCE_GET' " EXPORTING objnr = " onr00-objnr * wrttp = '04' " cosp-wrttp * versn = '000' " cosp-versn * bis_gjahr = " cosp-gjahr * bis_perio = " coep-perio IMPORTING saldo_k = " cosp-wkg001 saldo_o = " cosp-wog001 saldo_v_k = " cosp-wkg001 saldo_v_o = " cosp-wog001 . " K_BALANCE_GET
wrttp with value ’04’ means actual postings.
bis_gjahr and bis_perio are parameters used when You need to see that balance for different periods, even current ballance is zero .